communication counsil galactic central

to exist sustainably

these 7 billion have  to be all>
educated as > homo sapiens!

not insane > consumption  > to production addicted
meaning this to death frustrated > therefore mass insane !

so we need states > having human dignity as their first priority
no idiot paradises> no idiot advertising
no idiot entertainment> no idiot transportation!

of course > a real health system and the rule of human dignity !
otherwise this world will forcibly > be ending ....

of course, these all must also be educated >
for a civil legal capacity >

so it need from kindergarten on > programs>
in basic human rights >


the fundamental human rights >  article 1

(1) the dignity of every citizen is inviolable.
to respect and protect this human dignity
shall be the duty of all state authority .


and the resulting basic duties for each ....
how else can democracy work ?

as every one can see > so he is not blind and deaf !

this planetary populations only quality > being >

to being so insane to be able to destroying every thing !
there while bragging around how stupid every body can be ....
how short sighted >

this being ... the darwinian evolution
in its highest possible realisation !

galactic central information

there can be no solution

since this population > the problem !

wanting no useful technology
but destructive instruments  .... to bringing about the end of this world  .....

because every one has been shown ..... ever and ever again >

that no body cares about the world > no body cares about the world > any more >

meaning she will go to hell ........

what we have to do > now !

the first and only priority today ....
is saving the planet from all the masses of insanity !
not to free them from all constraints
not to cherish their destruction !
be cause if we will not change all these insane into homo sapiens
meaning entities with wisdom
we will be at the end of all humanity at the end of this centrury
the green land ice shield is melting rapidly because >
of all the soot ... all this burning of kerosin
and all the other useless burnings are causing !
and if we will not do any thing about green land > be coming all green
we will have > a whole lot of feed back starting >
all the methan ice on the ocean floor will be coming up and heat up ....
all the gases in the now perma frost will be going into the air !
and all this now dark surface >
will be heating up the planet more and more !
till all the ice on this world will be gone at the end of each summer
untill all the oceans will be becoming dead
where only hydrogen sulfur bacteria will be living in
and producing deadly hydrogen sulfor gas to kill all
first at the coast line > then ever more inland
till only at the highest ranges
there will be life possible for millions of years
maybe ..... or none it all !

galactic development